Sunday, November 2, 2008

Out and About in Durham and Raleigh NC

We have safely arrived at the Falls Lake State Park Campground, just outside Durham NC.
It is a very pretty site, not many people camping, best of all the weather is warmer.
we have now got into campfires. I spent some time each morning collecting wood for our fire in the evening.

On Saturday we visited Raleigh, in particular the Museum for Natural History, because they currently have an exhibition showing some of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The exhibition was excellent, the pieces we saw were very small, each one was perhaps postcard size, but it was amazing to see something that was central to the belief of millions of people and is at least 2000 years old. Bits of the bible written at the time of Jesus, by the the people who knew him, in the area where he was. It was a very inspiring artifact.
The weather was pleasnt so we had a walk over to the Old Capitol Building. Very interesting.#

Sunday November 2nd
Remembered to put the old clocks back. Today we took a short trip to Durham, to see the Bennett Farm. This is an old farm in which General Johnstone signed the surrender of his army to Gen Sherman in 1865. This more or less signalled the end of the Civil War.
Following this we had a look at the Duke University, which is quite famous in this area. We first had a wander round the Duke Gardens, which were beautiful and realy interesting. Quite busy with families and students on a warm November day.
Then we had a look round the University chapel, which was built on very grand line. Similar in some ways to Our own Durham cathedral back home in England. Though much newer.
Monday 3rd November.
Today we moved on to Fayetteville, which is to the south of Raleigh. We are making this stop because there is rain forecast at Wilmington, which is our next destination, which we hope to get to for Wednesday.
On the way to Fayetteville we stopped off to look at Bentonville Battleground. It wa here that the last major battle of the Civil War took place. Gen Johnstone attacked part of Shermans army as it was marching North after his infamous 'March To The Sea'.
Johnstone was hopelesly outnumbered, but it was his last opportunity to break Sherman's men before it was re-supplied and met up with Gen Grant's Army at Richmond.
Johnstne lost this battle, which then led to him havng to surrender to Sherman and Bennett Farm

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