Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Its Election Day

Sally and I are sat in our trailer, listening to the election coverage. Interestingly we are finding the most comprehensive coverage is from BBC Radio five.
So over the last few weeks we have been immersed in Election Fever. Every where we have been, in supermarkets, restaurants, museums, people we have spoken to have been eager to tell where they stand and to find out who we would support. World events have washed over the campaigns, pushing opinion this way and that. First terrorism, then Irag, then Sub-prime, the effect of women in politics, with Clinton, then Palin. Always the question of race. Recently the world financial crisis. Every time Obama seems to have been able to get through it clean, whereas McCain has had to consistently fight against the failings of the current administration. He is republican, Bush is Republican, so McCain smells of the rotting flesh of Bush's presidency. For this reason alone I think that Obama will win the election tonight.

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