Sunday, October 5, 2008

SBBB October weekend

We arrived in good time and got set up.Then we all made the extremely good decision to go to Remington’s for a steak dinner. Nobody told us that this was about 25 miles away, still it was a good traditional Roadhouse Steak House, where we all enjoyed great Prime Rib. Followed by a visit to the DQ (Dairy Queen) next door. Then back to Sertoma for some pickin’ until 1.30, when I gave out and went to bed. Great day.
Saturday started bright and clear. It was a busy day. Everybody meets for coffee and donuts (yes Sally even had a cup of coffee, decaf though), renews friendships and shares whats happening. Then we had to sort out buying bits and paying fees. That brought us very quickly to lunch time, which was a pot luck lunch with Marilee, Tina, Jan, Larry, Lois and Ed (who had arrived for the day). Though we were only able to contribute the lemonade. The at noon the club holds a formal meeting, then at 1.00 was an auction of all sorts of bits and pieces of junk and stuff. Sally stayed for a bit and went for a kip, people were drifting away and I was about to go when Marilee asked if I was going to bid on the Dobro for Sally. “What.Dobro?”. “The one that Earl has just brought in late”. Because it was a late entry there were very few people there to bid for it, so apart from one lady, Nancy, I was able to buy it for Sally at a snip. We kept the Dobro under wraps unitl we were all settled down to play in the afternoon, when I presented the dobro to Sally, who could not believe that I had actually bought her one in such a short time. (mind you we had talked about getting one for several months). She is amazing and very quickly picked up how to play the basics onit and was able to join in playing. Great.
The whole club had a pot luck supper, based on Sauerkraut and Sausage. Very nice meal.
After we started to pick at our trailer and were soon joined by a number of people. Also as dusk approached we were joined by swarms of mosquito, so we all rapidly reassembled inside our trailer. There were 13 of us inside playing away and squashing the mozzies that had come in with us. I really ought to write and tell Starcraft that many people complimented the acoustics in side our trailer. WE played inside until about 10.30 then a few of us had a wander round the campsite and played along with a great bunch which included C.J. Hodge, a very extrovert banjo player (that means extrovert squared). It was a great time. I feel that my playing is coming on a lot and I have found more confidence to make mistakes with my singing (I find difficult to remember all the ).
Bed at 2.30

Another nice day. Rushed to get to the Pavilion for a Gospel Hour. It was good.
Packed up and left to return to Istachatta for a lunch with Marilee and Tina, to collect the Tongue Jack, which was not fixed, though Jim had tried, the tube just would not straighten (I am not really surprised as it really is difficult to realign a bent tube). Thanks for trying Jim, much appreciated.
In the afternoon we said our farewells and drove north 130 miles to return to Stephen Foster State Park at White Springs (hi Walter, sorry we couldn’t stop by) which we have great affection for after our visit to the Florida Folk Festival last November. It is a lovely town and a beautiful State Park.
Today we drive into Georgia.

1 comment:

Texas Tina Dove said...

So glad to see you both! Looking forward to November. LY~Tina